Annual Gathering
We held our fourth annual Luncheon at Balls Brothers, Austin Friars on 18th October 2024 with 50 members attending lunch and several others joined us in the bar afterwards.
We also held our AGM prior to the lunch and a new committee was elected. The names of the committee is detailed below.
We will be looking at looking into the possibilities of arranging regional gatherings in 2025 and would welcome members suggestions for where we could organise these gatherings.
Our current membership stands at 264. Of this number, 173 are pensioners and 91 are still working (64 are over 80 years of age).
Further News & Articles Required
Our website has had an update to a new provider, which has made it easier for our committee editors to manage the site.
Please send us your stories of your Otis memories or current pastimes and hobbies.
You can email your requests to or if you prefer to send in written material post to:
Gordon McIntosh
17 Montbelle Road,
New Eltham,
The Association WhatsApp group is a great platform for sharing your stories, news and Birthday wishes etc. But please be reminded that we do not tolerate any postings that are offensive to others including Political, Racist and Religious remarks. Inappropriate matter
will be removed by the committee.
Contact details – Email addresses
The best and most convenient way for us to contact and communicate with you all is via email and the vast majority of the members have given TAO permission to use your email addresses.
If you have an email address and have not registered this with us, then we ask you to do this please. We promise not to bombard you with unnecessary junk mail.
Special Thanks
A special thank you goes to Ken Jones and Barney McKenna who stepped down from the committee at this year’s AGM.
Ken has given us many years of service, going way back to the days of OLSA (Otis Long Service Association) and Barney from the outset of TOA (The Otis Association).
Their input and work is very much appreciated.
We are pleased to report that association membership is now 264 and please continue to spread the word to your Otis friends and colleagues to join us.
A small number of the Committee have arranged to visit the Otis Archives in Leicester at the end of next month to discover more information which we plan to post to the website over the coming months. We hope to publish pictures and news which will generate interest and feedback.
Remember we want to hear your news and please send any pictures or stories to and we will publish these on the website.
Our Picture Gallery needs more of your photos, so again please send in your personal picture to and we will join you as part of the "motley crew".
Please send any written material via post to:
Gordon McIntosh. 17 Montbelle Road, New Eltham.London. SE9 3PD
The fraternity is named The Otis (UK & Ireland) Association.
Its purpose is to connect current and former employees of the company across the country through social events and anyone that has worked for Otis Limited or its Subsidiary Companies are very welcome to join.
The current annual membership of £5 is payable each January. New members are required to pay £5 subscription when joining regardless of the remaining period in that particular year.
Bank Account details
Name of our bank account is The Otis (UK & Ireland) Association.
Bank Sort Code Number: 40-28-06
Account Number: 12453878
Please pay by BACS or submit your cheques
for the annual subscription payable to
The Otis (UK & Ireland) Association.
Current Management Committee
President: John Nichols
Chair: Lindsay Harvey
Treasurer: Gordon McIntosh
Secretary: Open
Committee Members:
Martin Cann
Geoff Farge
Mark Jones
Ian McFarlane
Pat Gordon
Keith James
Peter Amura
Copyright © 2024 The Otis Association - All Rights Reserved.